QAC is an all-purpose, non-perfumed detergent disinfectant cleaner. This product has been specifically designed to be non-fragranced, as perfumed cleaning products taint meat and other food stuffs by allowing bacteria and enzymes to react rapidly causing loss of revenue, productivity and company image. This is of particular concern to businesses dealing with meat, fish and other food related industries. QAC combats all of this whilst still offering you excellent and effective general purpose cleaning. Non-toxic. Will not taint foodstuffs. Non-flammable. Completely water rinsible. Biodegradable. Absorbs and destroys other bacteria in the air. Leaves a clean, film free surface Dilute at a rate of 1:50 with water for the cleaning of tabletops, display fridges, walls, floors, etc. Spray, wipe or mop onto the surface to be cleaned and wipe off with a clean cloth or mop. Packaging: 5lt = R92.00 25lt = R410.00